
Welcome to the trainings section - Access the 8 Modules covering various topics around Circular Economy in Aquaculture, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Smart Technology and the benefits of using them.

The objective of the training program is to transfer the technical knowledge on the economic and environmental benefits of SMART Technologies to the broad aquaculture community to rise awareness on how to improve the operating conditions and reduce the impact of aquaculture activities on the marine ecosystem.

This training will be of interest not only to farmers and operators but also actors in the value chain – hatcheries, aquafeed suppliers, R&D institutes, institutional actors (governmental development institutions, financial institutions, promotional investment institutions, environmental institutions, etc.), and policy makers.

Aquaculture and the Environment

Aquaculture and the Environment


Starting Date: 05 June 2023 (Available)

This lecture will introduce aquaculture in general and discuss the different forms of aquaculture within the Mediterranean. How aquaculture emissions and wastes impact local ecosystems and the wider environment will be detailed as will the benefits of improving aquaculture practices. Completion of the lecture will give a better understanding of the place of aquaculture within the environment and prepare students for future lectures covering what can be done to increase sustainability and profitability.

Sustainable Aquaculture Practices

Sustainable Aquaculture Practices


Starting Date: 26 June 2023 (Available)

Introduction to best aquaculture practices and a description of how simple practices can increase the sustainability of a farm. The importance of considering health management and biosecurity are also covered due to their particular importance in Mediterranean aquaculture.

Sustainable Perspectives for the Aquaculture Value-Chain

Sustainable Perspectives for the Aquaculture Value-Chain


Starting Date: 17 July 2023 (Available)

This lecture covers how sustainability of the aquaculture industry is not limited to a fish farm. We will provide general and specific examples of the different parts of the value chain. The circular economy of aquaculture is also covered.

An Introduction to Feed Conversion Ratios

An Introduction to Feed Conversion Ratios


Starting Date: 07 August 2023 (Available)

Here we discuss one of the most important issues within Mediterranean aquaculture, feed conversion ratios (FCR). This introductory lecture will present a background to FCR, what it is, how it is calculated, and why it is so important to both the environment and the profitability of the sector. Also covered are how different factors can affect FCR.

Simple Techniques to Reduce FCR

Simple Techniques to Reduce FCR


Starting Date: 28 August 2023 (Available)

Following on from lecture 4, this lecture will cover in detail what factors affect FCR and how simple farm management techniques and wider business practices be used to improve FCR. Whilst we focus on Mediterranean aquaculture, these techniques are applicable to aquaculture as a whole.

Smart Aquaculture Farming Technology

Smart Aquaculture Farming Technology


Starting Date: 18 September 2023 (Available)

This lecture will focus on SMART aquaculture technologies for cage aquaculture. Covering how different technological solutions can be used to better monitor and predict conditions in cage aquaculture and increase efficiency. The practicalities, costs, and benefits of these technologies will also be discussed.

The Smart Sea Bream Farming Pilot Project

The Smart Sea Bream Farming Pilot Project


Starting Date: 20 October 2023

Here we will reveal our SMART sea bream farming pilot project. We will describe how we set up the integrated technological system, and reveal the obstacles and lessons learnt along the way. We also aim to reveal some preliminary results.

Business Ecosystems

Business Ecosystems


Starting Date: 13 November 2023

This lecture will provide practical information on the financial mechanisms and incentives behind SMART aquaculture. We will discuss the financial benefits of the technology, and reveal how European and Tunisian funding can be accessed so farmers can purchase these solutions.

Training Certificate


  • For those who completed the modules and their respective quizzes, you will be emailed your certificate by the end of January 2024.
  • However, for those who didn’t complete or are starting the modules (22nd January 2024) that you won’t receive a certificate (as the training is now available to the public).

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